• We have a new approach,
    let’s play together so that everyone wins: Game On!

    Let's see how we can play the game to a better ending.
  • Are you tired of everyone talking about climate change
    in a negative way

    We'll show you how we end up if we do not change.


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Game On! Blogs

Who is responsible for climate change?
  • October 30, 2023

Who is responsible for climate change?

The short answer is: humans.

How to communicate about climate change?
  • October 30, 2023

How to communicate about climate change?

Communicating on climate change is all about educating and mobilizing audiences to take action to confront the climate crisis.

How big is the problem? How bad is climate change now?
  • October 25, 2023

How big is the problem? How bad is climate change now?

The world is warming dangerously, humans are the cause of it, and a failure to act today will deeply affect the future of the Earth.

What actions do I need to do against climate change? Is what I do important?
  • October 24, 2023

What actions do I need to do against climate change? Is what I do important?

This is always the top question when we talk about climate changes.

How do women and men feel about climate change? Are there any differences between the genders?
  • October 19, 2023

How do women and men feel about climate change? Are there any differences between the genders?

How do views on climate change differ between men and women?

The waves are different now - The reality of climate change in Honduras
  • October 18, 2023

The waves are different now - The reality of climate change in Honduras

Fact Finding Mission in Honduras