Caches in the Czech Republic
A cache is usually a container of various sizes. Each cache contains a notebook, so-called logbook, a pen or pencil and small items for exchange, which are left here by the cachers. Each cache has its own unique GC code. You can also find wooden coins in the caches, so-called SWG. You are welcome to keep these as a souvenir!
Barkbeetle Dream
With its largely coniferous forests, the Czech Republic is one of the European countries most affected by the ongoing bark beetle calamity since 2016. The search for this cache will take you to St. George’s Forest, a large forest in the northern part of the Nymburk’s district, which has been hit too. Due to climate change, high temperatures, irregular precipitation, and planting monocultures, spruces are weakened and bark beetles multiply easily and quickly. Healthy spruce is defended by a bark beetle by flooding it with resin and suffocating it. However, if the trees suffer from drought and the beetles are overgrown, spruces can no longer defend themselves and die.
Photo source: Stáňa Tomková
Viewpoint between two ponds Křižák and Cihlový
Let’s go to the Bohemian Paradise! But you’d better leave your car at home. The journey for this cache will take you through a part of the supra-regional bio-corridor, which connects the two main parts of the Bohemian Paradise Protected Landscape Area. You will walk through the picturesque landscape of forests and ponds, which btw. are an ideal location for bird watching, to a place with a unique view of the castle Trosky, one of the regional symbols. But now a great threat hangs over this landscape. This is exactly where the controversial megalomaniacal motorway-type road has been planned since 2002, which will fundamentally disrupt the landscape, support the growth of car traffic and thus increase greenhouse gas emissions, dust particles and noise.
Photo source: visualisation of ŘSD
Mordor Viewpoint
Do you like apocalyptic views? Then you came to the right place. When looking for this cache, you will be speechless looking at the large Turow open cast mine and the coal-fired power plant operated by PGE, which is the largest CO2 producer in Poland and the third largest emitter in the EU. PGE continues to pursue further expansion of the Turow lignite open cast mine to prolong the operation of the Turow coal plant by 2044. However, the operation of the mine is already causing conflict with the Czech and German communities affected by the mine, the inhabitants on the Czech side of the border have problems with the lack of groundwater due to mining and are afraid of a further increase in dust and noise.
Photo source: Martina Čížková
Wetlands for Biodiversity
Contact with nature is extremely important for a quality and healthy human life, and you will enjoy it when looking for this cache. In Jablonné v Podještědí there is a unique wetland area, which was built during the revitalization of a place neglected by illegal dumps. Wetlands are one of the most valuable ecosystems that have been heavily drained in the past in favour of agricultural land and their number in the Czech Republic has dropped to 1/4. Luckily, people have realized the irreplaceable contribution of wetlands to biodiversity and water retention in the landscape, and similar revitalizations are on the rise. In Jablonné, you will find a resting oasis with a nature circuit in a system of nine ponds and waterlogged meadows, and most importantly, don’t keep an eye only on the cache. Kingfishers, newts, tree frogs, snakes, irises and many other animals and plants will keep you company.
Photo source: Čmelák – Společnost přátel přírody
Life Sciences Campus
Education is an essential factor in the ever more urgent global climate action. Now, imagine spending your university years in the most environmentally-friendly university in the Czech Republic! Yes, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague is really going all in in terms of climate change adaptation and mitigation! While searching for this cache, stroll around the campus and find out more about the green roofs where photovoltaic batteries are placed, excess rainwater being used for flushing toilets, students running circular Freeshop or CZU shop with fairtrade and packaging-free cosmetics&cleaning products.
Photo source: Ing. Miloslav Petrtýl, Ph.D., Ing. Lucie Miovská, Ph.D.
Ecological Centre Slůňákov
The search for this cache will guide you on the edge of the protected landscape area Litovelské Pomoraví in Horka nad Moravou to an ecological centre Sluňákov, where ecology meets elegance. Explore the surroundings of this modern low-energy house disappearing into the ground and take a peek inside the bottomland landscape and unique open-air gallery named ‘Litovelské Pomoraví House of Nature’.
Photo source: archive Sluňákov – centrum ekologických aktivit města Olomouce, o.p.s.
Activity in the Czech Republic is led by Na Mysli
Na Mysli is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the issues of global sustainability, climate change and related environmental aspects. We revive the relationship between the urban population and the environment, support and motivate individuals on their unique route toward a responsible lifestyle, and simplify the steps for them.