

Who are we?

BROZ is a nature conservation NGO working in Natura 2000 areas across Slovakia. OUR MISSION is to conserve valuable nature areas and to stop habitat degradation and biodiversity loss — one of the biggest challenges of our time. We are also dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues, both global and local.


Our work

Biodiversity protection is at the heart of everything we do. Taking a complex approach in both land and freshwater habitats, we implement on-the-ground conservation actions with concrete and tangible results. We focus our work on protecting and communicating the importance of rivers, wetlands, floodplain forests and grasslands, not just for nature alone but for society as a whole.


Game On!

As practical conservationists, every day we see in the field the impacts of human activity and climate change on natural ecosystems. All the more so, we feel the urgency to raise awareness about these issues — especially to the younger generations — so that we, as a society, don´t repeat past mistakes and fix the ones we have already caused.

In the Game On! project, we look forward to supporting young activists and nature ambassadors in their efforts, organising wilderness camps to bring people closer to nature, while using art and other interesting media to get the message of nature conservation and climate change to a wide audience. We will be in charge of developing a GeoQuest game through which you'll be able to learn about climate change and, specially, that which you can do about it.