Who are we?
The Milvus Group Association is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, dedicated to bird and nature protection, acting in the fields of conservation, education, research and consultancy in order to make Romania a better place for birds, wildlife and people.
Our work
Milvus was established in 1991 and worked initially as a branch of the Romanian Ornithological Society (BirdLife Romania). Initiating and co-ordinating national and international projects and broadening its area of work, it became an independent organisation in 2001. Our programs are scientifically based, co-ordinated by specialised personnel (many of our members are biologists, PhD students, students at biology and ecology faculties), with the involvement of volunteers.
Game on!
The organisation’s desire is to live in a world where people live in real harmony with nature, without exploiting it, where nature is one of the highest values and where everyone behaves accordingly. Everybody is working every day to preserve Romania’s natural heritage. And we do this by raising the awareness of people, by protecting endangered species, by enforcing laws while influencing policies regarding nature. Thus, Milvus will be focusing on raising Youth Ambassadors in Romania while spreading awareness throughout the country our wilderness camps, lobbying activities and the promotion of the project’s products.